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H A R K E K A Z E M I E R | |
overig/other |
Een selectie van werk en projecten in andere media uit de periode 1989-2023. /A selection of works and projects in other media from the period 1989-2023. |
unseen, unsaid | WdK | zonder titel, .... /untitled, (found .... |
Found Footage | peinture... /painting... download PDF |
peinture... /painting... (zie /see: details) |
zonder titel /untitled |
Happy Days | Found Footage | |||||||||
The Ship That Went Away | The Ship That Went Away | Where Are We Now | zonder titel /untitled |
Where Are We Now | zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |
zonder titel /untitled |